Join us !
We are always open to connect with highly motivated students and researchers that are interested in our research. Contact us if you are interested in joining Otsuka lab(the Structural Compatibility Design Lab). Please refer research history of PI(Dr. Otsuka) at an article in Japan Society of Material Sciences. For Miyashita lab, please directly contact to Prof. Miyashita.For admission
Applicants of students to our lab should pass the entrance examination to M.S. course in mechanical engineering course / system safety engineering course in Nagaoka University of Technology. Ph.D candidate should join the integrated Doctoral course of Technology Innovation course or Advanced Engineering course.- Please refer to detailed admission policy and application process at our university web site.
Lab tours for applicants
. Contact us if you are interested in biomaterials / medical devices, please join Otsuka lab(the Structural Compatibility Design Lab)! No background for our research topics are required for applicant if they have high motivation for new interdisciplinary works. PI studied solid mechanics in mechanical engineering and then shifted the works to present topics. Physical laboratory tours or online meeting for research introduction can be arranged if you contact us via contact forms. Please do not hesitate to contact us !Lab policy for on-the-research education system: for next innovator
Our Lab motto is :Build your practice. Be a glue.
This section PI’s policy for research/education system is explained. This is personal one by PI (Dr. Otsuka). Your creative criticizes and suggestion are highly appreciated for further improvement. Dialogue with teammate is always opened!
Summary of our Lab policy is listed below;
if you would like to know more details in our policy, please contact to PI (Dr. Otsuka).
- Research is to materialize new knowledge as well as to enjoy the creation process
- Laboratories at universities exist to create new jobs as a part of innovation industry.
- Keywords of research/education system are;
i. Customer-oriented
ii. Liking knowledge with creation
iii. Fail and revise until success - Research opportunities in labs correspond to practical learning procedure in expert training course. Regardless of career path of students, the research experiences are indispensable for students as future professionals.
- Research topics should be considered as the exercise of innovation technology. If students have their own curiosities/interests, they can challenge their own topics by integrating their ideas with customer – oriented thinking. Role models in Novel laurates are; Dr. Macleod Banting &Macleod and Dr. Akasaki in Amano & Akasaki
- Education course in our lab is developed based on VITAEprofessional model considering four core elements; Literacy, Competency, Management, Engagement
Key concepts in on-the-research education system:
Our motto “Build your practice. Be a glue.” can be achieved by considering three keywords;- Customer-oriented; Innovator must find potential needs and required knowledge/technology to solve the needs. Seeds (curiosity-driven) without need can not be integrated.
- Linking knowledge with creation; Practical problems are always / multiscale- multidisciplinary phenomena. Such the strong nonlinearity can not be solved using simplified linear models in a single fields. Integrated systems by research teams are always indispensable .
- Fail and revise until success; Failures are milestones for final success if they can decide and revise their works (Steve Jobs, 1997) based on real certification by failures.

Research ativity in labs as innovator education:
Research opportunities in labs correspond to practical learning procedure in expert training course. Professional education course requires students to practice integration of knowledges ( professional engineer education in graduate professional schools).Regardless of career path of students, the research experiences are indispensable for students as future professionals.

Requirement for thesis submission in our lab:
As professional innovators, graduates from our lab were satisfied the below high -quality targets. So they can go to their expected sector as professionals.PhD At least one Q 1 journal equivalent papers are required in their reference paper list.
M.S. Three conference presentations before submission of thesis. The total works should be equivalent as the quality of Q1 journals.
Undergraduate Total quality of their works should be sufficient quality for presentation at JSME student conference or JSMS biomaterials division students conference.